
Buying Kwannon CDs and downloads via PayPal

Trance-inducing and otherworldly, Kwannon's latest album is a shimmering series of soundscapes built around a poem cycle that explores the spiritual experience.

Ethereal and otherworldly, Kwannon's sixth album draws from Celtic and Pagan myth, poetry and nature in a musical meditation on the intersection of the divine and the sacred Earth. Features soaring vocals and unusual instruments from around the world.

"Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors," Ralph Waldo Emerson writes. Kwannon's latest is an exploration of the Western Isle of the dead, of sunset, and the edges of things.
The Twisted Book

Kwannon's fourth release is a meditation on the sorrows of Derdriu -- or Deirdre -- from Irish myth.

A paean to Pagan deities and the ecstatic, Oisin is perhaps Kwannon's most approachable album.

Kwannon's second album is named for the heart chakra, a "sound not made by striking." As with Oisin, it features cover at by Jack Parra. We're currently out of stock, but if you're interested in purchasing this, drop us a line and we'll run off some for you.
Clear Star

Kwannon's first solo album. We're out of stock at the moment, but if you want to purchase this, drop us a line and we'll run off some.
Hymn to Cybele$ 1.00
Queen of Heaven$ 1.00
Brigid Lights Her Own$ 1.00
She Draws Her Bow into the Crescent Moon$ 1.00
Invocation at the Eastern Gate$ 1.00
Hearth and Heart$ 1.00
He Mourns for the Change That Has Come Upon Him and His Beloved and Longs for the End of the World$ 1.00
The Meeting at the Stream$ 1.00
The Hosting of the Sidhe$ 1.00
Newborn$ 1.00
Cathbad gives the prophecy$ 1.00
Leborcham speaks to Derdriu$ 1.00
Noisiu speaks to Derdriu$ 1.00
Derdriu speaks to Noisiu$ 1.00
The Brothers Speak to Noisiu$ 1.00
Invocation at the Southern Gate$ 1.00
Conchobar speaks to Derdriu$ 1.00
Leborcham lies to Conchobar$ 1.00
Chariot, branch and stone$ 1.00
Love, a leaf$ 1.00
And the morning$ 1.00
Light the fires$ 1.00
A Farewell$ 1.00
White Sow$ 1.00
Teach Duinn$ 1.00
Songs of Experience$ 1.00
Auguries of Innocence$ 1.00
The Tyger$ 1.00
Midnight Invocation$ 1.00
Snowflakes$ 1.00
The Jealousy of Emer$ 1.00
Invocation at the Western Gate$ 1.00
A prayer for the hours before dawn$ 1.00
A prayer to Brighid in times of violence$ 1.00
Oisin on the shore sees the woman$ 1.00
The Willow$ 1.00
Secret Love$ 1.00
Hummingbird$ 1.00
Rain Song$ 1.00
The Morrigan's Prophecy$ 1.00
Her White Cloak Brings the Spring$ 1.00
Holy Well and Sacred Flame$ 1.00
Proserpine$ 1.00
Manannan's Song$ 1.00
Invocation of the Northern Gate$ 1.00
The Shrike and the Thorn$ 1.00
Limitless$ 1.00
A Song to the Young Son$ 1.00
Avalon$ 1.00
The Mist$ 1.00
The Gift$ 1.00
The Nine$ 1.00
The Sight$ 1.00
The Order$ 1.00
The Ethos$ 1.00
The Message$ 1.00
Immram$ 1.00
Lost Words$ 1.00
Eight of Swords$ 1.00
Complicity$ 1.00
Midnight Sun$ 1.00
Iza$ 1.00
Steel Grey Sea$ 1.00
The Cap and Bells$ 1.00
Old Woman$ 1.00
Sidus Clarum$ 1.00
Brahma$ 1.00
I Have a Young Sister$ 1.00
Echo and Narcissus$ 1.00
Brigid of the Healers$ 1.00
Cymbeline$ 1.00
What the Thrush Said$ 1.00
Fairytale$ 1.00
The Green of May$ 1.00
Hungry Ghosts$ 1.00
In the Blizzard$ 1.00
The Crane Bag$ 1.00
Unstruck$ 1.00
A Lover's Hymn to Blodeuwedd$ 1.00
Longing$ 1.00
Mariana$ 1.00